If you have been to the office recently, you have probably noticed the construction vehicles across from the parking lot, as well as grading on the left side of the building. We are in the process of expanding in order to better serve our patients and families! We will be expanding our parking lot by 25 spaces, and adding nine additional exam rooms on the Well Side of the clinic, and several more for the rooms for the Sick Side. The expansion should be complete by the end of the summer 2015.
WELCOME Jennifer M. Mitchell, FNP-C
Jennifer joined The ChildHealth Center, PA in 2014. She first received her degree as a Nurse Practitioner from East Tennessee State University. She had extensive experience as a surgical nurse prior to pursuing a career as a nurse practitioner. She lives in Hickory with her daughter.
We no longer accept new patients who refuse to immunize their child:
After much consideration, the practitioners and staff at The ChildHealth Center, PA have decided to no longer accept new patients whose parents have refused all immunizations for their children.
While no cases of Ebola have been reported in our community, it potentially can become a serious health threat to our entire nation. It is ESSENTIAL that you tell our staff when you call our office to schedule an appointment if your child, anyone in your family, or any known contacts have traveled to or from Western Africa in the past 21 days (or had any exposure to those with known disease in the US)!!! We MUST make special arrangements to see anyone with potential exposure in a very carefully controlled way to ensure the safety of our staff and other patients!!! Click here for a link to the Center for Disease Control website on Ebola.
While the media has reported frequently on the severity of the Enterovirus D68 recently, those of us in private practices do not have the capability to test for this virus--it requires specialized testing at the CDC, and currently requires several weeks. There is a faster test being developed, but it is not available to us. Even if we were able to test and positively identify a patient with this virus, THERE IS NO SPECIFIC TREATMENT! All care is supportive. So, if there were a patient in whom we suspected had this virus, all we could do would be to provide supportive care, such as respiratory treatments and oxygen as needed. Remember, the vast majority of children with this virus only have typical cold symptoms. Only a few develop complications that require attention. Also remember, that the regular seasonal flu is FAR more likely to send your child to the hospital than Enterovirus D68, SO GET THAT FLU VACCINE! Click here for a link to the Center for Disease Control website on Enterovirus D68.
Flu Immunizations
ALL children, from ages 6 months to 18 years, should receive a flu immunization, unless they have a significant allergy to eggs. Although we will offer two types of flu vaccine--the traditional shots and Flumist, we have used up all of the Flumist at this time. Flu shots are approved for all individuals who are 6 months of age and older, unless they are allergic to eggs or have had a life-threatening reaction to previous influenza vaccinations. The vaccine should be given on a day when a child is well and is NOT ill with fever or wheezing. Click here for a link to the Center for Disease Control website on flu.
Want to save some time at your child's next Well Visit?Then just go to the Forms section on the menu to the left, print out and complete the appropriate history (and developmental forms, if applicable) at your convenience, and bring them with you to the visit!
Two BIG Vaccine Safety announcements!First, on February 12, 2009 the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled that the scientific evidence is “overwhelmingly contrary” to the theory that measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the vaccine preservative thimerosal is linked to autism. This decision is in keeping with the numerous medical studies that have been performed worldwide. The ChildHealth Center, PA joins the American Academy of Pediatrics in the hope that the determination by the Special Masters will reassure parents that vaccines DO NOT cause autism. Click here for a link to the AAP Policy Statement on this matter.
Second, in the past few months there has been press coverage in the United Kingdom discrediting Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the first doctor to publicize a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. He has been charged with deliberately misreporting patient data to create a link with autism! Here are links to two stories in the British press: MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism--The doctor who sparked the scare over the safety of the MMR vaccine for children changed and misreported results in his research, creating the appearance of a possible link with autism, a London Sunday Times investigation has found. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article5683671.ece Hidden records show MMR truth--A London Sunday Times investigation has found that altered data was behind the decade-long scare over vaccination. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article5683643.ece
Website ChangesThis is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first. In the coming months we hope to bring you additional resources within this site as well as links to other reputable sites to help you be the best parent you can be. If you need information on certain medical conditions, visit the Medical Information page, especially the Pediatric Health Advisor. Check out the Art Gallery for exhibitions from our artists, including some of the original works of art created especially for TCC by California artist Stephanie Bauer, a children's book illustrator!
Medical ChangesThis section of What's New? will keep you abreast of recent changes related to the practice of medicine and general health issues. Since this area is constantly changing, you will want to check here often.
Seasonal Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Immunization Changes!
When is the last time your child has been
Last modified: Monday February 16, 2015 |