Helpful Links
The following lists of resources that are outside of
our website may be helpful. These sites are created and
maintained by organizations other than The ChildHealth Center,
PA. We cannot guarantee the reliability of the sites
or the accuracy of their content.
Information for parents on a number of health related issues
Children's Resource Center
Helps parents to find locally operated licensed child care
centers and other preschool programs
General Pediatrics
Provides links to a number of educational sources about numerous
medical problems
Information regarding vaccines, also available in many foreign
Kids Health
A website dedicated to kids to help them learn about health
related issues in a fun way.
Health Clinic Online
Medical Encyclopedia
Information on a wide range of health topics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Offers parents information on various disabilities including
autism, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, mental retardation, vision
loss, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
North Carolina Early Intervention Services
This is a group of agencies coming together to help children
birth to 5 years of age that have special needs and/or
disabilities. The "Infant-Toddler Program" is for ages
birth to 3 years and the "Preschool Program" is for toddler's 3
to 5 years of age. Numerous agencies offer a variety of
developmental assistance to parents, including help with
transportation needs.
Teen Health
A website dedicated to teenagers to help them learn about health
related issues in a fun way. The website has great
interactive graphics and games. Topics include puberty,
sexual health, acne, drugs, infections and many more.
U.S. National
Library of Medicine (NLM)
Web MD
Site dedicated to providing current health information for all areas of medicine